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Parenting Resolutions

6 Tips for Parenting Through the Holidays

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The holiday season and the New Year are great times to make positive changes in your life and for your own and your family’s health. Many parents know the importance of good health and habits for their children, but with our busy modern lifestyles, our own habits often slip. It’s important for the whole family […]

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Preconception Health

How Preconception Health Affects Pregnancy

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If you think your health doesn’t really matter until you actually get pregnant, think again. A study in the Lancet says that preconception health is extremely important. And, that women (and men) aren’t paying enough attention to their lifestyle choices before becoming pregnant. Preconception Health Research The research study looked into many different factors across […]

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Mommy Tummy Diastasis Recti

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Mommy Tummy

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Also known as diastasis recti or a or postpartum pooch, mommy tummy can make it look like you’re still pregnant long after your baby has been delivered. While this condition affects up to two-thirds of pregnant women, mommy belly is not widely discussed by the medical community. What is Mommy Belly? Mommy Belly, also known […]

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Look Younger

Can Sex Make You Look Younger? One Researcher Says Yes

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Most of us are aware of benefits to having sex— pleasure and stress relief being just a few. But did you know sex may make you look younger, too? According to researcher and clinical psychologist Dr. David Weeks, having sex regularly can make you look somewhere between five and seven years younger. To conduct his […]

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How Perimenopause Affects Your Period

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We hear a lot about menopause and the way it impacts the body, but less about what happens beforehand. Menopause doesn’t just come out of nowhere, after all. Perimenopause is the gradual road towards menopause. It’s essentially a transition into menopause during which the ovaries begin to produce less estrogen. It usually sets in when […]

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Clitoris Facts

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Clitoris

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When it comes to knowing your own body, the clitoris is the land of mystery for many women. But that’s understandable when you come to learn that it’s a small yet complex organ containing numerous parts and more than 8,000 nerve endings. Keep reading to learn interesting facts you may be unaware of: It can […]

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5 Signs You May Be Ovulating

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If you’re thinking of getting pregnant anytime soon, it’s important to know when you’re ovulating. Ovulation is when one of your ovaries releases a mature egg. If this egg is fertilized by sperm, you can become pregnant. Among women who are in their reproductive years, fertile, and are not pregnant, ovulation typically happens every month. […]

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Choosing the Right Birth Control Method

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Nearly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned and it’s easy to become overwhelmed when choosing contraception. Understanding the options available is the first step in choosing a birth control method that’s right for you. Birth control options can fall into two key categories, contraception for birth control, or contraception that aims […]

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Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence in Women

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If you feel as though you just don’t have control of your bladder or if you ever leak urine, you may be suffering from a condition called urinary incontinence. This loss of bladder control and urine leakage can happen when your bladder muscles tighten but your sphincter isn’t able to close off the urethra. This […]

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Anorgasmia in Women: Types, Causes & Treatments

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Orgasms vary in intensity and duration and can present differently from woman to woman. However, for those who suffer from anorgasmia, it can be difficult, or even impossible, to reach orgasm at all. What is Anorgasmia? Essentially, anorgasmia is a sexual dysfunction where orgasm can’t be reached even with ample sexual stimulation. Given that many […]

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What to Expect During Each Stage of Menopause

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Many women think of menopause as a change that sets in quickly when a woman reaches her late forties or fifties. But the truth is, there’s actually a long transitional phase leading up to menopause called perimenopause, and another phase that follows called postmenopause. Some women also experience early menopause if they experience certain health […]

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woman holding a baby

COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant, Breastfeeding, or Trying to Conceive

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Deciding whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine is a very individualized decision, but should be an option among women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and trying to get pregnant, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says.

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Influenza Flu Vaccine and Pregnancy

Why Pregnant Women Should Receive a Flu Shot

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Cooler weather, falling leaves, coughs, and sneezes are all signs the dreaded flu season is here. Flu season in the United States runs between October and May and annual vaccinations protect against new strains. The flu shot is safe and highly recommended for pregnant women, here’s why: Catching influenza (the ‘flu’) can be very dangerous for pregnant woman as […]

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Flu Shot Vaccination

Why You Need a Flu Vaccine This Year

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The flu season is upon us. The exact timing of flu season changes from year to year, but influenza tends to become more common starting in October and then ramps up from there, with the most virus activity occurring between December and February. Flu cases were at an all-time low during the 2020-2021 flu season. This […]

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5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Cervical Cancer

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Cervical Cancer

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Forty years ago, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States. Thankfully, cervical cancer cases have decreased significantly. This is mainly due to an increase in women getting regular Pap tests, which can find cervical precancer before it turns into cancer. Cervical cancer is a slow-growing disease that develops silently […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Miscarriage

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Having a healthy pregnancy is top of mind for most women who become pregnant, and the thought of having a miscarriage can be scary and overwhelming. As many as 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage—usually before a missed menstrual period. And, about 1 in 4 recognized pregnancies end in a miscarriage. If you are pregnant, it’s […]

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Breast Cancer Awareness: Your Guide to Detection and Prevention

How to Prevent and Detect Breast Cancer

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About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. (13%) develop invasive breast cancer. Furthermore, 43,600 U.S. women are expected to die from breast cancer in 2021. Fortunately, catching breast cancer early saves lives. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s a great time to review your breast health and cancer prevention plan. Detection: Mammograms and Self-Exams If […]

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Understanding the Female Sexual Response Cycle

Understanding the Female Sexual Response Cycle

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As you become sexually aroused and partake in sexually stimulating activities, your body responds by going through a series of changes known as the sexual response cycle. This cycle consists of four different phases: desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution. With each phase comes physical and emotional changes, which are outlined below. Men also experience these […]

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When are Ovarian Cysts a Problem

When are Ovarian Cysts a Problem?

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Ovarian cysts are a common health condition that many women experience at least once throughout the course of life. Most of these cysts only last a few months, don’t cause discomfort, and really aren’t a problem at all. But sometimes, they can be more troublesome. What is an Ovarian Cyst? Before we dig into the […]

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Staying on Top of Your Sexual Health at Every Age

Staying on Top of Your Sexual Health at Every Age

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Staying healthy isn’t only about exercising, eating right, and getting your annual physical exam. Staying on top of your sexual and reproductive health is important too. We understand that for some women, this can get confusing as the recommendations aren’t necessarily the same for young, middle-aged and older women. To help steer you along, we’ve […]

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7 Ways You Can Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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A fear of any new parent, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (commonly known as SIDS) is a leading cause of death for infants in their first 12 months of life and occurs when a baby dies (usually in their sleep) without explanation or warning. Researchers aren’t entirely sure what causes SIDS, but some theorize that it […]

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woman on bed with menstrual cramps

10 Ways to Put an End to Menstrual Cramps. Period.

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Are menstrual cramps cramping your style? Here are 10 solutions to this common problem, also known as dysmenorrhea.

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What Every Woman Needs to Know About Ovarian Cancer

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Ovarian Cancer

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Ovarian cancer diagnoses rates have fallen over the past 20 years but it’s still the most deadly cancer of the female reproductive system. It kills nearly 14,000 U.S. women annually and more than 21,000 women will receive a diagnosis this year. Ovarian cancer doesn’t affect all age groups the same. Ovarian cancer is most common […]

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Holding an IUD birth control copper coil device in hand, used for contraception

How Does IUD Birth Control Work?

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Women have been taking birth control for decades, but often with very little knowledge of the science behind how birth control works, and the effects on your body. When choosing birth control, it’s important to know both the benefits and side effects of the options available.

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